How is the disease transmitted?
It can be transmitted by coughing, sneezing, runny nose, saliva, sputum, shaking hands, kissing, and contact with infected surfaces.
- On different non-living surfaces, the virus can remain contagious from 2 hours to 9 days. As humidity increases, this time becomes longer, and as the air temperature increases, the time becomes shorter.
The incubation period is 5-6 days on average, but it can take up to 14 days.
- Each infected person infects at least 2-3 people.
- Some of the infected people are asymptomatic (no symptoms but contagious), fever is present in 89%, cough is present in 72%, fatigue muscle pains are present in 42%. Severe respiratory distress develops in 14.8% of cases, and approximately 5% of them die despite all treatments. Death; It is more common in people over 60 years of age and those with other chronic diseases.
- Although pregnant women are thought to be more prone to infection because their immune systems are weaker, there is no data that it is more severe when the current case series are examined. There is no evidence that the infected mother transmitted the infection to her baby in the womb or during delivery. Again, the infection is not transmitted through breast milk. However, transmission to the baby in close contact with the sick mother is possible and the disease progresses severely in babies under 1 year old.
What shall we do?
First of all, the more isolation can be done, the more we can reduce the spread of the infection. Due to the limitations of the tests and the large number of people who have no symptoms but are sick, it is best to consider everyone around us infected. Considering that the transmission is most likely with droplets in the air, we should keep a distance of at least 1 meter, even with our closest ones. We should pay maximum attention to our hand cleaning as it is likely to remain alive on the surfaces. We should protect the elderly and those with underlying diseases, keeping in mind that the disease progresses much more severely.
It is not possible to maintain social isolation for very long, but it is thought that these measures will reduce the number of patients who will need a large number of emergency interventions at the same time, reducing crowding in hospitals and preventing overcapacity. This is very important because when backlogs occur, healthcare personnel and equipment may not be available to support patients who can be saved by intervention.
Let's not forget that the current situation is vital, let's not take it lightly and stay at home. To protect ourselves and others. This is the biggest support you can give to people like us, who cannot stay at home for professional reasons.
See you in better days .