Nausea in Pregnancy

BHcg (pregnancy hormone secreted from trophoblastic cells formed after fertilization), which rises with pregnancy, can cause nausea in sensitive women. While the absence of nausea is not considered a problem, the presence of nausea is actually an indication that everything is fine as a reflection of rising bHcg. While BHcg continues to rise in the first trimester of pregnancy, this rapid increase stops in the next period and the hormone level remains stable. With the cessation of hormonal change, the body begins to adapt and most pregnant women's nausea ends by regressing spontaneously after this period.


Although the most important thing that triggers nausea is the rising pregnancy hormones, some external factors also trigger nausea. Therefore, when dealing with nausea, it is important to eliminate other triggers first. What are these triggers?


Prolonged hunger is one of the most important nausea triggers. Most of the pregnant women tend not to eat because of the decrease in appetite, change in the taste of their mouth, bad smell of food and presence of nausea, again under the influence of hormones. However, if they do not eat, the body begins to break down its own building blocks in order to provide the necessary energy. In this case, it leads to the formation of ketone bodies, which are breakdown products. Ketone is a very strong nausea trigger and should not be allowed to occur. Therefore, the first precaution to be taken in cases of nausea is not to prolong the hunger.


Overfilling of the stomach also triggers nausea and vomiting. Even when consuming liquids, it is important to reduce the volume and take it in small quantities.


Oily spicy foods can also trigger nausea.


With changes in hormones, most pregnant women start to smell better. Therefore, sensitivity to odors develops. It is useful to stay away from irritating odors, especially kitchen cooking odors.


Mood changes of the pregnant may trigger nausea. We can see more nausea with emotional fluctuations such as anxiety, sadness, fear, excitement. In particular, concerns about pregnancy are one of the situations that increase nausea the most in our daily practice.


Morning hours are the time when hormone levels are higher due to the diurnal rhythm of hormones, and most pregnant women describe more intense morning sickness. Dry foods that we will put at the head of our bed in order to reduce morning sickness; gray like chickpeas; It is very effective in suppressing nausea when taken before getting out of bed.


To reduce nausea, again, sour green apple, ginger, are natural anti-nausea. It can be consumed abundantly during this period.


Despite avoiding all situations that trigger nausea and taking mitigating measures, nausea that can lead to severe weight loss can be seen, albeit rarely. In this case, it may be necessary to switch to medical treatments and sometimes even hospitalize pregnant women. However, it is very important to know that this period is temporary.